Reduce belly fat as fast you cannot think

Belly Fat Workout: What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Quickly?

Dieting isn’t all about restriction, it means you need to add healthier foods to your diet.

Beans, pulses, fish and eggs are all great sources of energy.

You should also eat more protein because it makes you feel fuller than carbs and fat.

Good sources of protein include chicken breast, tuna, mackerel, salmon, eggs, milk, red lentils, chickpeas, brown bread, nuts and soya. Keep your protein portion to about the size of your hand.

You also need to be eating less than you are burning, so try to stick to a calorie limit.

On the NHS weight loss plan, the daily calorie allowance is 1,900 for men and 1,400 for women.

However, you can use the BMI calculator to get a personally recommended calorie intake, because everyone is different.

Losing weight is about balance, so if you have one bad day you need to have an extra good day the next.

Weight Loss: The Best Diet And Exercises To Burn Belly Fat Within 2 Weeks

Belly fat can result in several health implications but following a healthy lifestyle including exercising can help shift the unwanted fat. It is a known fact that to lose weight your diet must be in a calorie deficit which means burning more calories than you are consuming, however sometimes even with exercising regularly, it can be hard to burn belly fat.

There are many reasons why people gain excess fat around their stomachs including poor diet, lack of exercise and even stress.


There are certain foods that you can incorporate into your diet that can help you shift that unwanted fat around your stomach.

Bananas contain around 422 milligrams of potassium which is a mineral that can help limit the amount of belly swelling sodium in your body.

The fruit can also help boost your metabolism which helps burn more calories throughout the day.

Citrus fruits like oranges are packed with vitamin C, an essential vitamin that the body needs to keep healthy drinks

Ditching sugary processed foods and fizzy drinks is a must when it comes to shifting belly fat.

Switching coffee for green tea can help burn abdominal fat as it is packed full of antioxidants and can increase your metabolic rate.

If you consume some green tea before exercising, these antioxidant compounds can also increase your fat-burning during cardio exercise.

It can also help suppress your appetite when drunk in the morning, meaning you are less likely to consume a lot of food throughout the day.

Water is essential when trying to lose any amount of weight and water helps in the digestion of food and can help burn more calories.

It can help increase your metabolic rate and you should drink between one to two litres a day to see results.

It can be particularly beneficial when consumed before meals as it may help suppress your appetite, meaning you will eat less food which will reduce your overall calorie intake.


Exercise should be incorporated into any weight loss journey and its benefits extend losing weight.

However, there are certain exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home to target that stubborn fat.

David Wiener, Training Specialist at Freeletics explains how belly fat can be uncomfortable and harmful too.

He said: “High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), is one of the best ways to burn calories, lose weight, and see results fast. The HIIT training approach involves sessions of intense exercising periods followed by varied recovery times which boost the metabolism and maximise the oxygen intake.

“Due to those high-intensity working periods, your body experiences an oxygen deficit and needs to restore itself to pre-exercise level.”

David explains the best workout routine to help target that belly fat.

Dynamic Warm-Up 10x lunges, 10x arm and leg deadlifts (L) 10x arm, and leg deadlifts (R) 10x standing scales, 10x windmill backwards, 10x plank leg lifts, 10x ground supermen, 10x knee push-ups and 10x squats.

Interval 1 Complete 3 rounds 14x plank knees to elbow, 20x supermen, 20x twists, 20s rest.

Interval 2 Complete 6 rounds 4x sphinx push-ups, 5x high side plank crunch (L), 5x high side plank crunch (R), 10x supermen 30s rest.

Active Cool Down 30s chest stretch (L), 30s chest stretch (R), 30s shoulder stretch (L), 30s shoulder stretch (R), 30s triceps stretch (L), 30s triceps stretch (R), 30s standing side stretch (L), 30s standing side stretch (R).

Exercises You need to perform

  • Round 1: 50x burpees 50x squats 50x sit-ups
  • Round 2: 40x burpees 40x squats 40x sit-ups
  • Round 3: 30x burpees 30x squats 30x sit-ups
  • Round 4: 20x burpees 20x squats 20x sit-ups
  • Round 5: 10x burpees 10x squats 10x sit-ups


Not to worry I have got a solution for those who cannot go to Gym due to some reasons 
, then you can just take the help of the Infographics at the starting of the Article

How To Lose An Inch Of Belly Fat In Four Weeks

Belly fat could be a sign that your health is at risk, with Type-2 diabetes and heart disease among the associated dangers. I experimented with the Trust Me, I’m a Doctor team and a group of volunteers.

We found that diet, rather than exercise, is the best way to rein in the belly.

Using our calculator below, you can work out how many calories you can consume to try to lose an inch in four weeks*.

 It tells you how many calories you need each day to maintain your weight, and you should reduce that figure by 500 calories to start reducing your weight and belly fat quite quickly.


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